People hunger for positive change in their lives; unfortunately we stay distracted, busy, or uncertain of how to take the necessary steps to make it happen.
Pachlain collaborates with you to form creative strategies to get you unstuck and move plans forward. The collaboration challenges, inspires, and supports you as you implement and maintain desired changes in life or work. Clients are assisted in expanding their view of themselves by recognizing their own potential and clearly defining actions that will transform their potential into success.
"Both success and failure are largely the results of habit." Napoleon Hill
“I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.”
― Harper Lee, To Kill a MockingbirdPatrick has been working with "folks" in various groups and settings for over 20 years. From churches, to prisons, to civic groups, to corporations, Patrick has seen individuals and groups at their best and at their worst.
Patrick's skill set allows him to listen to those he's working with while thinking outside the box. He works with his clients to collaboratively create solutions to reach their goals and objectives while providing lighthearted, straight forward, practical tips, seeking clarity, and helping his clients define success. Patrick provides personal attention, following up as clients uncover their path towards reaching their goals.